Today, I want to talk to you from the back end of Ephesians 2. Paul’s talking to the gentile believers in Ephesus about how God, by the blood of Jesus, has taken down the dividing walls that separated them from the Jews. If you can believe this, there were divisions in the Church!  I know, [...]

You shall not pass!

Be anxious for nothing. (Philippians 4:6) I’m feeling like this is a big deal. It’s time to get militant with anxiety, worry, and fear. As I read this today, I could see in my mind's eye Gandolf the Grey standing on that bridge in full-on momma bear mode. “Go back to the shadow! You shall [...]

A New Start

One day, not too long ago, I went to add a post to my blog and it was GONE. Just gone. I got to hunting and calling and discovering and learning. I found that my hosting company went out of business. Sadly I no longer have access to the email address they had for me [...]