Jesus Himself alone

Jesus is the whole counsel of God.

The Paralytic – Part 1

Ben's Healing School - S6 This week’s class begins with a brief introduction to Words of Knowledge. Next, we spend some time gleaning some wonderful truth from the day Jesus healed the Paralytic in His home town, Capernaum. Words of Knowledge Tonight before we feast one of my favorite encounters with Jesus, the Paralytic [...]

Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him

Got a minute? I’d like to encourage you from the Word this morning. Let me set the scene. It’s a dark and stormy night and the boys are out on the Sea of Galilee struggling to stay afloat. Jesus is walking on the water. After the initial shock of the whole thing, Peter calls out, [...]

Ben’s Healing School – The Leper We begin with a brief recap. We talked about Jesus and the fact that He is the express image of God. What we see in Him is the will of the Father made flesh and walking among us. Next, we looked at the twenty-two times in the gospels where the writers report Jesus healing [...]

Ben’s Healing School – Session 4 – I Will, Be Clean Show notes: The video starts with a couple of great testimonies. People are starting to put into practice what we are learning and it’s making a difference in people’s lives. Here are the ten reasons to major on Faith that I borrowed from brother Dan Maio. 1. Without faith, it is impossible to please [...]

Ben’s Healing School – Session 3 – Redeemed from the Curse of the Law

This week we do a deep dive into the curse of the law and what it means to be redeemed. Let’s start with our foundational scripture. Proverbs 4:20-22 My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your sight; Keep them in the midst [...]