We’ve reached chapter two! YAY!
But guess what. The writer of the book of Hebrews wrote a letter, not a chapter book.
Chapter book, tee-hee. The first time I ever heard of a chapter book, my kids were in grade school. It was a huge step up. They moved from Dr. Seuss–with no chapters–to Captain Underpants. Frankly, I think we had more to learn from the good doctor than the underdressed superhero. But I digress…
I’ve been a big fan of audio Bibles for a long time.
Long before portable CD players or books on tape or cars with anything more than radios, my mother used to read the bible and record it onto cassette tapes. My father traveled for a living and spent long hours driving up and down the middle Atlantic states.
So they bought a battery powered cassette recorder/player, and my mom would sit down at the dining room table and read the Bible into the machine.
When my dad hit the road, he would pack up some spare batteries and take the player and a shoebox full of cassette tapes. As he tooled up and down Rt 95 he’d be renewing his mind.
Oh, how I wish I knew what happened to those tapes. They probably went the way of the landfill when my mom moved out of her home and into her apartment.
How I would love to hear her voice reading the scriptures. (No offense to Mr. Scourby, or any of you other readers.) But what could be more comforting than hearing the voice that brought me Winnie the Pooh and the Chronicles of Naria reading to me about the destruction of Nineveh in Nahum, or Elijah chopping the false prophets into little pieces?
But seriously, I would love to have Muth’s voice reading through the Psalms. What a great way to spend my commute to work.
Back to my point. It’s great to listen through a book of the Bible. It’s super helpful to understand the overall themes of the book and get a feel for the real point the author is trying to make.
So as we move into Chapter 2 (next week) we’ll find it starts with a “For.” Maybe we’ll start to get a sense of where we’re going!
See you Monday with a step into Chapter 2.
Thanks for coming by and listening to me reminisce.
Love you,
By the way, if you’d like to see where we’ve been so far in our gleaning through Hebrews, this page has the links to the entire series to date.
Oh that is so beautiful. You inspire me to record what I can of the Bible for my kids!
I hope you do! It would be a beautiful gift.