After The Beginning

OK – here we go:

God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, – Hebrews 1:1 NASB

As I mentioned yesterday, the epistle, or letter, to the Hebrews is somewhat unique in that it doesn’t include any opening statements. Not a “To” or a “From,” nor a ‘the servant of Jesus Christ’ or a ‘by the grace of God.’

This book starts right in, not unlike Genesis and John. They both have their “In the beginning…” beginnings. Hebrews starts as though it’s opening a sequel to one of those “In the beginning…” books. It’s a sort of “Next, after a couple millennia…” launch.

What He’s got in store for us is a new beginning.

The writer spends a lot of time building contrasts, old with new, lesser with greater, weaker with more powerful.

But before we get there, let’s notice a couple keywords in this first verse.

God spoke.


This is a BIG deal. The voice of God, the Word of God is the most powerful force in the universe. Did I say force–that’s not right either. God’s Word is not a force, it’s a person. God’s Word is the embodiment of God. It is, in the end, the only tangible revelation we have of Him.

He reveals himself through nature, through all creation, but all that pales with one look at Jesus. More on that tomorrow.

Many, many…

Not only did God speak, but He spoke in many portions and in many ways. That’s two manys! God spoke many, many.

He spoke to the fathers–the fathers of our faith. We’ll be introduced throughout the book to many faith fathers.

And lots more…

He spoke in “many portions.” The Old Testament, based on our canon of scripture, has thirty-nine books, each one inspired by God. The Spirit breathed on men of old, and they recorded His words. These “long ago” words spanned thousands of years, hundreds of generations and dozens of human authors.


What about that after? Something changed! God created, and it was very good. God delivered His people from slavery. God gave the law, a stone reminder of His own character. God spoke through His servants the prophets over and over, many and many. But all this fell short.

What now? What came after? Well–I think you know–but come back next time and well get to see the “Enter Jesus” moment.

cropped-BenHeadshotThanks for stopping in.

Read on!



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