Show Me Your Glory

As we sang this lyric, my heart cried out as it has often in the past. “Lord, show me a visible manifestation of Your glory.” I’ve longed to see something like I’ve read about at the Azuza street revival when a visible glory cloud showed up. I’ve seen the videos of the cloud that floated [...]

Water to Wine – A Monday Pondering

In John 2, the writer tells us about a wedding feast in Cana of Galilee. Mary, Jesus’ mother attended and brought Jesus and the boys. You know the story - if not check it out here. One of the striking statements in this story comes from the head waiter. ... "Every man serves the good [...]

Intimacy Realized – #SoSSaturdays

The King hath brought me into his chambers: we will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will remember thy love more than wine: the upright love thee. - Song Of Songs 1:4 KJV Today we see our first brush with intimacy between our Maiden and the King. Out of a nation of women, the [...]


A Quick Thought for this Friday. …so that He might be manifested to Israel, I came baptizing in water." - John 1:31 John the Baptist ministered to hundreds, maybe thousands. He was happening! Then Jesus showed up on the scene, and John’s true colors came into the light. It’s a thing with Jesus. He really [...]

It’s a Two Way Street!

Four times in Matthew’s telling of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus tells us we can expect to be treated in direct relationship to the way we treat others. The first shows up here, in the beatitudes. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. ~ Matthew 5:7 The next is in the Lord’s [...]

Greatness–Jesus style…

A few days back, I put up a post called “Satisfy Your Deepest Longings” about how our longings are not sin but God designed and given to us to manage. It stirred up some conversations here and on social media, but one reader posed a question I wanted to answer here. Debbie Zeigler (Ziggy317) asked: [...]


AN ORDINARY DAY MEETS A DIVINE INTERRUPTION - Part 3 A day in the life of Elisha The story of Elisha is one of my favorites. Here we find a godly young man who is working very hard with 12 pairs of oxen on the field. It’s hot and a brutal time to be working [...]

Two-Part Life Plan – #SOSSaturday

Draw me after you and let us run together! Song of Songs 1:4 Our young lady has boiled her life plan down into two simple priorities. She is not looking for riches. She is not looking for fame. Just 2 things – Draw me and we will run. Draw me into your everlasting everloving arms [...]

Heavenly Words

I was reading the first verse of the gospel of John today and a thought hit me. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. - John 1:1 I’ve actually been mulling around the edges of it for a week since I read about Paul’s visit [...]

Mercy not Sacrifice

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. ~ Matthew 5:7 Oh, how we need to hear this! After taking a big step up this stairway to heaven and stirring up a hunger and thirst for righteousness, what do you know, my spirit gets all, well, judgmental! I am a wreck. The more I [...]