House and Builder, Servant and Son

He was faithful to Him who appointed Him, as Moses also was in all His house. For He has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses, by just so much as the builder of the house has more honor than the house. For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all [...]


He was faithful to Him who appointed Him, as Moses also was in all His house. - Hebrews 3:2 If we go back to the scene in Isaiah 6 as discussed a few days back, you’ll remember I said I can hear Jesus saying “Here am I send Me,” to the Father’s call. And what’s [...]

A Unique Song – SoS Saturday

One last bit of background before we jump into the verse by verse (mostly) look at the Song. The Song is a short book as compared to other books like Genesis with its 50 chapters or Isaiah with its 66. It is made up of 8 chapters and a total of 117 verses. It would [...]

195 Dead–NetFlix Found Holding the Smoking Gun!

I'm quitting NetFlix. I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts this week, The Holy Post, with Phil Vischer, Skye Jithani and Christian Taylor. They look at news articles and give a Christian perspective with thoughtfulness and humor. They covered a story in this episode about the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why. It’s the [...]

The Kingdom of Heaven

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. - Matthew 5:3 On my old blog, I spent a few weeks talking about the kingdom of God. I’m not going to re-post that series right now, but I thought this one post held some fun insight into the what the Kingdom [...]

Throne Room – WorshipWednesday   Throne Room Kim Walker-Smith Dream after dream, You are Speaking to me, breathing Word after word of kingdom come Here at Your feet, I can See the unseen, truly One look at You and I'm undone I run to the throne room I run to the throne room And I fall on my [...]

Interpretation – SoS Saturday

The Song can be interpreted in many ways. Many of these views hold value. No single way captures all that the Song has to offer. Since the books writing approximately 3,000 years ago, there have been more commentaries written about the Song that any other book of the bible save Romans. So there are a [...]

Poor in Spirit

Blessed are the poor in spirit ~ Matthew 5:3 Who are these poor in spirit? Are they folks with low self-esteem? Perhaps those who never stand up for their own rights. Maybe this refers to ones who can never quite make a go of life. Oh–Oh–I know, this is the person who sings in church [...]

Another In The Fire – Worship Wednesday

He there! It's another great day to worship our Father. Here's a great song from Hillsong that I think you'll love. Blessings There's a grace when the heart is under fire Another way when the walls are closing in And when I look at the space between Where I used to be and this [...]

Get Out of the China Cabinet!

Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of a heavenly calling, consider Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest of our confession; - Hebrews 3:1 Here, at the beginning of chapter 3 of Hebrews, we see the writer reminding us who we are in Christ. Though this letter is full of warnings, though it takes us by the shoulders [...]