Psalm 91 – A Declaration

I’ve been going through the Psalms of late, and taking the truth contained in them and declaring it out loud (and in my journal) over myself and my loved ones. Today I came to Psalm 91, and as it always does, it blew me away. It became one long declaration for me this morning. I [...]

What’s going on in the temple?

So this broke my heart this morning. Then the chief priests and the elders of the people were gathered together in the court of the high priest, named Caiaphas; and they plotted together to seize Jesus by stealth and kill Him. - Matthew 26:3-4 From what I can tell, while the Second Temple stood, until [...]


I’ve heard folks say… “I read the end of the book and…God wins!” True enough, but there is some other stuff in the end of the book that is a little mind blowing.  If you know me, you know I’m pretty jazzed about the fact that God takes up residnece in the believe’s life.  Jesus [...]


Today, I want to talk to you from the back end of Ephesians 2. Paul’s talking to the gentile believers in Ephesus about how God, by the blood of Jesus, has taken down the dividing walls that separated them from the Jews. If you can believe this, there were divisions in the Church!  I know, [...]