
A quick thought for the day:

The crucible is for silver and the furnace for gold…

I came across this Proverb today, and the simile surprised me.

What do you think Solomon pegged in a person’s life as similar to the crucible or the furnace? What one thing in life tests you, tries your character?

…and each is tested by the praise accorded him. – Proverbs 27:21 NASB

Does that surprise you? I was thinking of some kind of trial or attack from the enemy.

But Solomon learned that accolades and honor test a persons character as well as any trial.

My mom (or Muth, as our family called her) would call after me in the mornings as I left for school or work, “Remember who you are.” Oh, yeah, there was something about my underwear too. I’ve been thinking about “remember who you are” a lot lately. It’s great advice. Don’t think too much of yourself and don’t think too little of yourself.

When you’re tempted to go the wrong way, remember who you are.

When you’re tempted to think of yourself as better than those around you, remember who you are.

I’m not suggesting you’re a nobody.

Far from it.

You’re a child of God by the grace of God.

All you have you received from Him.

All you know barely scratches the surface of what He knows.

So then…

How do we receive praise from others?

Do we lay it all off on Jesus? You know that–Oh, it’s all Jesus–uber-humble nonsense. Let that one go, OK. If it were all Jesus, it would have been way better.

When others praise you, accept it with thanksgiving to them, and thankfulness toward your Father, from whom all blessings flow.

Don’t let it go to your head. It’ll fill up all the space intended for meditating on our awesome Father.

OK – I’m done.

Hey – walk in God’s blessing today.

And by all means…

cropped-BenHeadshotRemember who you are! (and don’t forget to change your underwear)

Love you,


2 thoughts on “Crucible

  1. “If it were all Jesus, it would have been way better.” That really made me chuckle! So true!!! Thanks for the thought, I totally agree with you.

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