Hear His Voice


Oh boy – here we go. We’re sneaking up on big warning number 2. But before we look at the warning, I want to share something that has completely revolutionized my walk with the Lord.

Hearing His voice!

Did you know that if you are a child of God, born again by His Spirit, you can hear Him?

I used to work with a guy who loved to throw out one-liners, and one of his favorites was, “Only God knows, and He’s not talking to me.”

Some think you’re crazy if you say you’ve heard from God.

I’ve heard plenty of Christians say things like. “I wish God would just tell me what to do.”

We go to conferences hoping someone will hear a word from God for us.

We seek out counsel from others.

And I get it. I’m right there with you, seeking God’s will on a number of specific questions in my life, right now. But there is one thing that has settled in my heart in this last year.

I hear the voice of the Lord.

Hear me now. I did not say, “I can hear,” but “I hear.” We can’t be fuzzy on this. Anything else is an indictment of our Lord Jesus Christ. He’s the one who said it.

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; – John 10:27

So – either I hear Him, or I am not His sheep.

For a Christian to say, “I can’t hear Him,” is to call Him a liar, and He is no liar. He is The Truth.

It is a marker of the true believer. Every Christian can hear the voice of the Lord, our Good Shepherd.

If you don’t feel like you are hearing, there is a way to start.

How did God create all things? He spoke words declaring the existence of things that did not exist.

…God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did; – Romans 4:17 NKJV

When I open His Word to read in the morning, I start with a simple prayer and then a declaration.

The prayer is from the scripture, as is the declaration.

Here’s my scriptural prayer:

Open my eyes, that I may behold Wonderful things from Your law. – Psalm 119:18

And the declaration comes from John 10:27.

I thank you, Lord Jesus, that I DO hear your voice and You have much to say to me today.

The words are not exactly the same every day, but similar, and I’ll tell you what. If you will open your heart up and present good soil to the Master Sower, His word will take root in your life, and make a huge difference. You’ll start to remember what you’ve read. Your day will present challenges and you’ll find His Word bubbling up to meet every one.

You’ll run into people with needs, and find that you have council fit the occasion.

You, my dear brother and sister, can hear the voice of God today.

Don’t beg God to speak to you. We should never beg for what has already been freely given.

God is not stingy with His Word. The parable of the sower shows us a world covered with the good–imperishable seed spread liberally.

We must simply receive by faith, then understanding and wisdom will come.

As you can see, I’m jumping back into Hebrews. For those of you who were following me last year when I started this quest, I apologize for the break. Today, we get back on the road, and I think you’ll enjoy the journey. If you were not following at the beginning of this gleaning, or just want to refresh your memory, you can catch up here.

BenHeadshotThanks for coming by.

See you again soon.

Today – hear His voice,


2 thoughts on “Hear His Voice

  1. I cannot agree with you more, Ben:

    “If you will open your heart up and present good soil to the Master Sower, His word will take root in your life, and make a huge difference. You’ll start to remember what you’ve read. Your day will present challenges and you’ll find His Word bubbling up to meet every one.”

    May I also add that we should strive to be hearers of the Word, and not just readers? Due to a recent issue with my eyes, I’ve taken to having my daily readings read to me (I use bible.com for that). I found the action keeps my heart open to what God is trying to say to me that day, and the words taking root more deeply.

    God bless.

  2. Ben, Hearing the voice of the Lord is so needful and yet so dismissed. Thank you for sounding the alarm of remembrance into our hearts.

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