A New Start

One day, not too long ago, I went to add a post to my blog and it was GONE. Just gone.

I got to hunting and calling and discovering and learning. I found that my hosting company went out of business. Sadly I no longer have access to the email address they had for me so I never had any warning about their shutdown plans.

I finally contacted them and they allowed me to download the files on the site. But what I got was not really what I needed to rebuild.

I write most of my articles using Scrivner and so at the very least I have drafts of all my work.

When I went to move my domain to a new host, I found myself chasing wild geese again. It took me a couple weeks just to get my domain over here on Bluehost.

The long and the short of it is–I’m starting over.

I may, over the course of time, republish some of my previous works, such as my verse by verse studies of the Sermon on the Mount and Song of Songs. I’ll get some of my stories back out there, too.

But for the most part, I’m starting over.

I’m not really sure if all the people who have subscribed for updates will need to re-sign up or not. If you get an email – you’re good to go. If not – feel free to sign up for email notices again.

Thanks for coming by. I’ll be writing again soon.



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