Announcement – So Ben, What’s God talking to you about?

So Ben, What’s God talking to you about?

I love to ask people this question once we get past “How’s your day?” or some other greeting-like phrase.

We’ve lost this from our day to day language as a church. We can gather hundreds of Christians together on a Sunday morning, and the lobby conversation consists of baseball scores, kids sports, and health updates. Don’t get me wrong. There is no problem with talking about life-stuff with other believers.

But my simple question, “What’s God talking to you about these days?” goes a long way toward discipleship. It says a few things.

1) God’s talking.

2) Are you listening?

3) Are you processing what you hear?

4) Are you putting what you hear into action?

It brings accountability into our day to day conversations.

The man who discipled me asked this all the time often it caught me off guard. I had to either dredge up something a few weeks old or come clean. Often when I was out of earshot of the Lord’s voice, it was because my circumstances were dominating all my time and attention. I would use my circumstance as an excuse for why I come with nothing fresh from God’s heart.

But this question brought light to my mixup of priorities. It brought me over to the door where Jesus daily knocks requesting entrance into those very circumstances which blocked His access to my heart.

I read some material recently in preparation for a class I’m helping to teach, and the man in the book said: “You can’t expect to hear from God every day.” I know, I’m tearing this out of context, but it begs the question, does God have something for your heart every day? Or is it hit and miss? Is mana a daily provision?

Well, God’s definitely not hit and miss.

One morning recently, after a particularly late night, I had set my alarm so I would not oversleep my time with the Lord. When the alarm went off, I hit snooze. To be clear, I’m a morning person. I almost NEVER hit snooze. I rarely set an alarm because I’m usually just up. But as I hit snooze that morning I heard the gentle whisper of the Spirit to my spirit.

“I have something really sweet for you if you’ll come and meet with Me now.”

What could I say but “Alexa, turn off my alarm,” and off I went and, true to His word, He had much to speak into my heart.

Hear me folks. I’m not preaching a legalism. I’m not bringing condemnation. But I have learned that God offers daily bread–daily.

And now for the announcement.

I’m glad to introduce a new set of posts on my site. I’m not going to abandon Hebrews, but some days, the Lord is pressing something upon me that just needs sharing.  Now and then, I’m going to share what the Lord is pressing into my spirit in the moment.

At the same time, I want to urge you to share with others what God’s been teaching you, too.

And feel free to borrow my question as you lead others into deeper waters.

BenHeadshotThanks for coming by,

Walk in Him.


2 thoughts on “Announcement – So Ben, What’s God talking to you about?

  1. Like you, I’ve found that God always has something to say. It’s up to me to be obedient and make time to sit with Him and listen.
    Love this post, Ben.

    1. Thanks, much Felecia. I love the image of Mary sitting at Jesus’ feet. One thing is needful – and Mary has chosen that better point.

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