Cheeky! #SoSSaturday

“Your cheeks are lovely with ornaments, your neck with strings of beads.” – Song of Songs 1:10

As we look at the Shepherd King’s words toward our maiden fair we are going to see Him use dozens of word pictures. Last week we looked at an example of an image from nature, this week we see Him muse about her appearance.

He will get pretty explicit as the song goes on. I will attempt to make some sense of how it applies to the believer’s life.

Today we look at cheeks.

What good are cheeks?

They are like the emotional thermometer God has installed in each one of us. They rise and fall with our moods, and flush and pale with our passions.

Emotions are a funny thing in the church. For many years, centuries perhaps the church has frowned upon any display of emotion. I can remember as a 20 something singing a song in church where the lyrics said: “I lift my hands up, unto Thy name.” I looked around to see 8 hands in the air, in a room of 150 people.

We, the Church, have a limited view of God’s emotions as well. We have a God who is happy and smiling the day we repent and come to Him. Every day after that His anger with us burns because our walk veers from His will.


God created us with a broad range of emotions and passions, and they are intended to bring the most out of our lives. There are ways to experience each emotion God gives us, in a way that pleases Him.

When He looks at our cheeks he is pleased. When we look at Him, He sees the flush of our excitement to be in His presence and our passion for Him and His will for us.

What about these ornaments?

Ornaments are adornments made for us by skilled artisans to bring out the beauty in our cheeks.

This may sound crazy, but I believe one adornment is worship. When we worship the Lord we engage our emotions and take the skillful work of others–Poets, Songwriters, Musicians, Artists. We let it all bring out the beauty in our emotions. We let our emotions fulfill their purpose–bringing Glory to Jesus.

Does that make sense?

I know it helps me.

cropped-BenHeadshotThanks for stopping in.

See you next week.


2 thoughts on “Cheeky! #SoSSaturday

  1. Thank you so much for your “cheeky” post. I have recently been on an emotional roller coaster that may continue for a while, and this morning, it was as if God had slapped me in the face – to wake me up. Regardless of how faithful or unfaithful we are, God still loves us. His love is still pouring in our direction. When that thought becomes an eye-opener, we can truly worship. Until then, we simply go through the motions. Maybe, your cheeks tell the true story.

  2. Thanks Mark, I’m glad God was able to use my words in your day. I’m sure you are running the gamut these days with the path you’re walking. I always love how David and the other Psalmists put their emotions out there for all to see, letting us know that it’s OK to feel.

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