Coming Soon…

I have a request. (It’s down near the bottom, the rest is a fuzzy plan for my next few months.)


I’ve been pressing into the book of Hebrews. It’s one of those books of the Bible that holds some mystery for me. This time through, I wanted to be able to put it together in one package in my mind. I hoped, by the time I got to the end, I would have a clean narrative in my heart and mind for the book.

I’m getting close.

But I realize that I am a verbal processor. I’ve been writing with pen and paper and filling my notebook with quotes, reinterpretations, ideas, and questions. I know this about myself, though. I learn best when I’m teaching.

My plan is to get back to a nearly daily blogging habit and walk through the book verse by verse. This is mostly for me, but you’re invited to listen in.

Some posts will cover a chunk and others times, it will probably take me days to process one verse.

Photo by Pixabay on

Be warned, there will be rabbits to chase.

Another fair warning, I’m not a scholar and anything I know about original languages comes from books (good ones) and preachers, pastors and real scholars (some good and some–well–never mind that.)

This will take months, and I promise, there will be things I say that are dead wrong, other things that will make you mad, or make you scratch your head.

Here’s the request.

Talk to me. Give me your feedback. Agree–or–Disagree. Share the good ones with friends. Teach me if I’m missing it. Learn with me if I get it right.

Most of the posts will not be long reads. I’m going for bitesize pieces.

There will be some longer posts. Sometimes I just can’t help myself.

In the end, I expect we will get a good dose of Jesus, and a fresh look at the New Covenant.

I’ll be starting soon, so keep your eye’s peeled.

cropped-BenHeadshotThanks for coming by,

Be good soil.


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