Far Above

So Ben, What’s God talking to you about?

I found my self on a rabbit trail into Ephesians this morning and read something that blew my mind. I need to share it with you. The crazy thing is that all these verses I’ve marked up in my Bible with colors and arrows and notes written in the margins, but today – they got a fresh coat.

I begin to understand why CT Studd the pioneer missionary used to get a new Bible every year. He must have written in his as much as I write in mine.

Anyway – back to the rabbit trails.

There were a number of ah-ha moments, but here’s the biggy.

which He brought about in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. – Ephesians 1:20-21

Let’s take that slowly.

Christ is where?

Seated at the right hand of God.

…in the heavenly places

…far above all rule and authority and power and dominion

…and every name that is named

…not just now, but in the age to come as well

Got it?

Where is He?

Read it again… no really – go back and read it one more time.

Ok – check this out.

In the very next chapter (in my Bible it’s right across the page) we learn:

and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, – Ephesians 2:6

So where are we?

Seated in Christ.

Seated in heavenly places.

Ok – that’s awesome…but that’s not all…

If we are seated in Christ in heavenly places.

We are…

…far above (say “far above” out loud)

…all Rule

…all Authority

…all power

…all dominion


Far above every name that is named


Not just now but in the age to come

I have to tell you. We’ve made Christianity all about trying really really really hard not to sin. But God’s idea was that you would walk in authority and dominion over all the power of the enemy, over every circumstance life throws at you, over all of it.

As we walk in submission to God and His will,
as we listen and attend to His voice,
as we step into the works that God ordained for us from before the foundation of the earth,
we can live above all the power of the enemy in every way.

He doesn’t stand a chance against the likes of us if we’ll just fill our hearts, minds, and mouths with this wonderful word of God.

I’m so excited about this truth.

BenHeadshotThanks for coming by today.

See you again soon,


2 thoughts on “Far Above

    1. A blessing Brother. Praying all believers will continually fill their minds with the powerful words of Almighty God, our Father.

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