Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. – Matthew 5:9

Not “Blessed are the Peace lovers.”

Not “Blessed are the Peacekeepers.”

The word is “Peacemaker.”

This word, “Peacemaker” interests me. It only appears once in all of the Greek New Testament. It comes from (you guessed it) two Greek root words.

This peacemaker is not an appeaser, not one who avoids conflict. Rather the one who makes peace actively does what is necessary to end conflict. I like the definition of the “maker” part of the word. It literally means (are you ready for this?) to make–to produce–to create. Isn’t that cool?

Jesus calls us to action. We cannot sit passively by and hope for peace. Peace is produced–it’s made–it’s the product of peacemaking activity! Let me say that one more time:

Peace is a product and it’s made through peacemaking activity by peacemakers!

Jesus talks here about the peace that passes understanding. This peace stems from reconciliation with the Father. When you enter into this peace you immediately have an active roll in helping others find the way to this peace. If you follow Christ, if you call Jesus Lord, if you live with the expectation of a place prepared for you beyond the grave, your business–your calling–your job–is to make peace.

Peacemaking starts with praying for those with whom you have some influence. God will open doors for you with your friends and loved ones. He will make opportunities to lead them into this peace in their own life. And more importantly into peace with the Father.

Start today! Ask the Lord for the who and the how. God brings amazing opportunities into the path of those who align themselves with His heart in this area.

Tell me about them! I can’t wait to hear what God does with your submitted life!

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Walk in the light,


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