The Sermon on the Mount


Early in His ministry, Jesus settled Himself on the side of a hill in the Galilean countryside. Surrounded by His growing congregation, He re-wrote our understanding of all scripture.

This discourse consists of some of the richest and deepest words ever spoken. Most every religion in the world recognizes Jesus a great teacher. We know He spoke only what He heard the Father say. Jesus said of himself “The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.” (John 6:63)

These posts pick around the edges of this rich field of goodness. As we walk around these acres we will find handfuls of wonderful provision intentionally left for us by the Lord of the harvest.

As we read and think through these sayings I’m asking the Spirit to hover over us and birth something truly supernatural. I’m expecting passions to stir and assignments to surface. As the disciples found after Jesus enabled them to feed the 5,000 on another hillside, I pray that every reader comes home with a basket full of unspoiled provision.

I am convinced that a child of God could devote a full and fruitful life of meditation on these three chapters, and in that lifetime this text would never grow old or run out of insights and applications.

If you think I exaggerate, consider that just ten of these words,However you want people to treat you, so treat them,” (Matthew 7:12) sum up the Law and the Prophets.

With these ten words, Jesus has unlocked the 39 books–929 chapters–of the Old Covenant. Ten words emancipate all the writings of Moses and David. All the wisdom of Solomon and Job, all the insights of Isaiah and Jeremiah contained in ten words.

The overarching theme of this Jesus Manifesto, as some have called it, is the good news of the kingdom of God. It begins with a description of the man who enters and ends, with the fate of a man who was shut out. The volumes spoken between these two bookends contain everything we need for, as Peter puts it, life and godliness.

I have found a few keys in my gleanings that unlock the Christian life for me and I want to share them with you. While walking through these sayings I have come across many wonders. These ‘ah ha’ moments have opened kingdom doors for me, and my hope is they do so for you as well.

Join me for a walk through this masterpiece, with an open and honest heart. Let’s see what these keys open for us.



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