
Hi all,

As you know if you’ve followed this blog for more than 6 months, this December through some mixup, about five years worth of internet content vanished from my blog. Among the missing were some things like my “who are you?” page and a couple of really significant series.

I have brought my bio page up to date and re-published so you can get an idea about my roots. It’s a stew with some seriously blended flavors, for sure. You can read my bio here.

The good news (from my point of view) is that most of the content is still here in my files, in its rough cut form. My plan is to begin re-releasing some of these past messages to rebuild my blog archive and bless my readers.

First, on the list are my walk through the Sermon on the Mount and the Song of Songs. These were both verse by verse gleanings packed full of my musings, and I think you’ll be blessed.

So keep your eyes open and come over and say hello at my bio.

BenHeadshotThanks for stopping in.

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4 thoughts on “Update

  1. Hey Ben! Good to hear from you again. I know how you feel about losing stuff. My old computer crashed and while I thought it was backing things up it wasn’t. UGH! Anyway, good to hear from you.

    1. Hi Pastor Bill,

      Great to hear from you too. In my transition I stopped getting email updates, and sort of lost track of some folks that I like speaking into my life (like you.)

      Yes, God asked me how I felt about losing 5 years worth of posts, and I felt Him poking me about how I was grieving the lost of back links and web traffic, more than the posts themselves. I was able to get almost everything that I wrote off my own backups, but the He gave me peace about stating over traffic wise. He was pressing me to get back to teaching and living in the community and not worrying about the business end of blogging if you know what i mean.

      Blessings, and nice to hear from you too.


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